Learn to make delicious raw cacao based treats and desserts chosen to delight you
and your guests at holiday parties and gatherings! This class will be taught by Chef Leah Rosin-Pritchard creator of Leah’s Recipe vegan, raw snacks and treats and Nola Ganem importer of 100% ceremonial grade Cacao from the Cloud Forest of Guatemala. Cacao is considered a superfood and tastes much like its cousin dark chocolate but with far more health and well being benefits. Cacao is noted for opening the heart and creating feelings of bliss when sipped or eaten, and who doesn’t want to infuse more love and bliss into our livesWHILE eating or sipping delicious treats?! Our menu for this class is: Cacao Mint Bark (great gift!), Cacao
Mousse Cake (party worthy) & Cacao Fudge (simply delicious). We’ll also enjoy a warming cacao drink and dip fresh mint leaves in cacao as a fancy garnish or delicious snack. Wine tasting too!
REGISTER HERE: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=6koezucab&oeidk=a07eev2aqtf9c6cacbd