Our Great Mother. The Mother of our Earth, of the Universe, the One dwelling within and watching over each of us…she is calling to us. She is calling us to center, to our sacred core where we can reverberate in her essence and find peace, belonging and meaning to our lives once again.
A VERY SPECIAL Cacao Ceremony in honor of Mothers Day and this great time of rebirth and renewal in the western hemisphere where we will be joined by a very special guest and dear friend and spiritual ally of Nola’s, Shawn Stevens (Red Eagle). Shawn (Red Eagle) is a member of the Stockbridge Munsee Band of Mohicans, is a Native American culturalist, artist, musician and ceremonial helper. (full bio below) who will be joining us to share stories and medicine songs of creation, and guiding us in opening the sacred directions and blessing the land. Truly assisting and giving each of us the gift to partake in the “sowing of our own seeds” into this world and energize our spiritual connections together.
You will learn how to do this in your own life, in your own home and land where you live. To bring the energies of co-creation and devotion to the Great Mother of us All. We will share stories of the Mohican traditions and wisdoms and receive powerful and heart stirring medicine songs.
The doors will open and the fire will be lit at 4:30pm, opening space for a PRE CEREMONY SOCIAL with light snacks and awesome time to connect with our rockin community! Whether this is your first cacao ceremony with us or your thousandth, we are a human family and welcome you with open celebratory arms!
Our ceremonial cacao will be prepared and poured beginning at 5:30 pm so anyone coming from work or other commitments can join us for our ceremony.
Hosts, Nola Ganem & Shawn Stevens
Would you like to join our Mayan Abdominal Massage event on 5/1 + this ceremony? Send us an email at contact@oneworldcacao.com for a $20 discount!
Shawn Stevens (Red Eagle) is an enrolled member of the Stockbridge Munsee band of Mohicans. He lives among his people who are originally from the Hudson Valley NY but now reside in Bowler, WI. A Spiritualist, musician, artist, historian, and sharer of knowledge, Shawn has been fulfilling his path journey for the past few decades by doing a variety of sharing in his people's ancestral lands as well as the Midwest. Shawn describes himself as a “Helper” to not only his people but to all. He explains that his Spiritual path is to share the many things given to him for spiritual direction and purpose. He does not have nor will accept any titles such as “Medicine man” or “Shaman.” Shawn is also a traditional Native American storyteller, drummer, dancer, singer, and flute player. He is an ordained minister of the Universal Church of Light and a certified facilitator of White Bison’s Mending Broken Hearts.
Shawn Stevens (Red Eagle), a member of the Stockbridge Munsee Band of Mohicans, is a Native American culturalist, artist, musician, and ceremonial helper.